South & North: Shared Horizons with AI

Wenn man sich auf die Künstliche Intelligenz einlässt, ist jeder Tag voller neuer Abenteuer. Diese AIdventures teilen wir hier mit Euch. Wir freuen uns, wenn Ihr uns Eure Gedanken mitteilt. Und uns Themen und Ereignisse nennt, über die wir bloggen sollten. Let’s co-create! Denn für die Artificial Intelligence gilt: We are in this together.

Am Anfang sind es immer nur wenige, die etwas anfangen.

Wednesday September 11th at 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST (Berlin, Vienna, Zurich)

Christoph Santner, Founder AInitiative, with: 
Helmo Hernández, President Fundación Ludwig de Cuba, Havana

Aaron R. Moreno, Fundaciòn Ludwig de Cuba & AInitiative, Prof. Sigi Torinus, Prof. of Integrated Media at the School of Creative Arts / University of Windsor, CanadaProf. Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Prof. for Photography, New Media, Installation, Alanus University, Germany & Co-President AInitiative

Beyond all differences, there is a space of knowledge and expectations that most human beings share.These „Shared Horizons” specially between the Global South and the North form the focus of this year’s Havana Biennial in November. We ask with our on-site AI Event: How can AI help in this process and what is the role of artists and creatives using “AI for Good?” With our partners, the Fundaciòn Ludwig de Cuba (a division of the Peter & Irene Ludwig Foundation), we aim to deepen a better coexistence among all humankind towards a truly sustainable future. 

AI EVENT in Havana, Cuba, on the 19th and 20th November 2024. 

I will also briefly inform you on the next steps and AI-workshops of AINITIATIVE and also on my personal AI-journey with my book „Alles KI? Die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz verstehen und nutzen – Das erste Buch mit eigener KI“ / „Everything AI? Understanding and using the world of Artificial Intelligence – The first book with its own AI“ that was released in August. 

Join us!

Below is the link to the Zoom call: (recurs every second Wednesday and started in February 2024)

Meeting ID: 883 4866 9205  Code: 327139

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Hope to see you online. 👍